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Heather S. Kahn, education consultant for ChrisSare4Kids.com, has a multiple-subject Crosscultural, Language, and Academic Development (CLAD) credential with a multicultural emphasis. She has been a teacher with the Los Angeles Unified School District teaching first, third, and sixth-grade classes. Heather has a strong affinity for the sciences and holds a Bachelor of Arts in biology. A proud mother of two sons, she has used many of her teaching strategies, lesson plans and activities that are featured on this site at home and hopes to inspire a healthy lifestyle and eco-awareness with her children and other families. Within the classroom and in her experience with her own children, she has found that hands-on and project-based lessons yield higher-level thinking and conceptual understanding and create direct student/child involvement necessary to hold a child’s attention. She believes that learning should be fun and has constructed her lesson plans with this goal in mind.

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